Leverage the power of community for your business’ marketing efforts & new customer acquisition.

The Problem:

Your marketing strategy led to views and follows, but not purchases.

You’re not alone. Small companies with less than 10 employees often:

  • Think their marketing strategy should work, but it doesn’t, it falls short.

  • Excel in “thought leadership” ― but aren’t clear about what they offer.

  • Struggle to communicate and display the power of their offer effectively.

Our Solution:

We build a vibrant community together in 3 months time.

In the era of automation, building real relationships with your ICP will become a key competitive advantage.

How we do it:

Up to 12 strategy sessions

  • The brand book

  • Community pitch

  • Marketing part 1: UX + email

  • Marketing part 2: Social media

  • Building a core group

  • Fostering first month momentum

  • Rewarding the top 10%

  • Growing beyond a core group

Lifetime access to community building templates

Unlock our growing library of community frameworks and templates including:

  • Comprehensive community pitch

  • Marketing frameworks (UX, email, socials)

  • Constructing a core group framework

  • Community challenges template

  • Analytics frameworks

  • 15+ more frameworks & templates

Thirty days of moderation

  • Event co-hosting for up to 4 events

  • Forum oversight and regular contribution

  • Launching new community challenges

  • Creation of community guidelines

  • Point of contact for new members

  • Onboarding sequence for new members

  • You can read more here.


Our 3-month process:


Launch Partner Includes:

  • Up to 12 Strategy Sessions (1 hr each; split over 3 months)

  • Lifetime access to our community building templates

  • Launch with a core group in 60 days

  • 1 month of post-launch community management

Founders we’ve worked with:

Not ready to commit yet? No problem.