I help founders build vibrant, revenue-generating communities

High-touch, personalized community building services to turn your audience into loyal ambassadors in 90 days

Years in Community Development



Days to get your community launched

Frameworks to grow your community


Avg. size of core groups we build


You already built an audience. But they’re not paying you yet.

The Problem:

We help you to transform your audience into ambassadors through building an online community.

Our Solution:

Platforms we Build On

How we build a community with you in 90 days

  • Miro Board - Brand Positioning

    Brand Positioning

    We dive deep into your niche audience to understand their pain points. Then we create communities that solve those problems.

  • Marketing

    We utilize core groups to catalyze early momentum. They become your biggest brand advocates and invite their network to join.

  • Anashim Notion Guide


    We help you launch. Once live, we become your guides to unlock your audience’s full potential with new features and events.

Founders we’ve worked with:

Communities are changing how business is done in 2024.

“Take a risk on ads. A/B test it until you realize you wasted a ton of money you could’ve spent better.”

— The Old Way

“Launch a community that continually creates unique interest & awareness about your brand.”

— The New Way

What We Offer



Community Moderator

  • Frequent posts & daily commenting

  • Event moderation for up to 2 events each month

  • Administrative support for members

  • Weekly updates for stakeholders

  • Basic monthly analytics



Community Manager

  • Posting 2-3x each week as a thought leader & daily forum engagement

  • Event coordination and follow-up for up to 4 events each month

  • Member highlights

  • Collaborative planning for new features, initiatives, or challenges

  • Optimize onboarding & internal SOPs

  • Advanced monthly analytics


3-month commitment


Community Launch Partner

  • Curated launch plan for your niche

  • Weekly Strategy sessions

    • Community Brand Book

    • Community Pitch

    • Marketing Strategy

    • Launch Event, etc.

  • Lifetime access to 20+ community building templates

  • 30 days of community management

Read Anashim Design Co.’s latest article:

Maximize Joy in Community Building >